You will also find attached a document entitled “Dear Parent” suggested language which we encourage you to place on your letterhead for distribution to your student body. The document is in “Word” format so you may customize it as you find necessary.
Myers-Stevens Insurance
Information for Myers-Stevens Insurance for Student Athletes
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The website has been updated for online purchases for your student’s parents. The link may be added to your online registration packets and district website, and/or used for your e-mail blast.
Digital brochures in PDF format are also attached. These may also be included in your online and/or physical registration packets, added to your district website, and/or used for your e-mail blast.
Paper brochures will be provided for your athletes and any of your families who may not have access to online enrollment.
You will also find attached a document entitled “Dear Parent” suggested language which we encourage you to place on your letterhead for distribution to your student body. The document is in “Word” format so you may customize it as you find necessary.
You will also find attached a document entitled “Dear Parent” suggested language which we encourage you to place on your letterhead for distribution to your student body. The document is in “Word” format so you may customize it as you find necessary.
Lastly, we have attached a “Model Authorization for Emergency Medical Treatment” template which includes language concerning the waiver of student insurance. An explanation regarding the purpose of this template is included. It may inform possible modifications to your existing emergency treatment document.