Brookhurst JHS

Excellent attendance is one of the strongest indicators of success in school and in life.


Please make sure to make school attendance a priority.





On the day of the absence, call the Attendance Office before 9:30 AM to report the absence OR send a note with your student on the FIRST day the student returns, so that it may be provided to the Attendance Office. If you are not able to reach the Attendance office, you can leave a voicemail message in English and/or Spanish, so that the absence can be excused.



Attendance Office

(714) 999-3612

Mrs. Nancy Lemus

Attendance Secretary

Office Hours

7:30 AM to 4:00 PM





When a student is absent from school the parent must do the following:

  1. The student must bring a note from the parent/guardian or doctor within three days to the attendance office or the parent/guardian must call the attendance office (714)999-3612 to explain the reason for the absence.


REMEMBER:  It is the Parent's/Guardian's responsibility to clear their student’s absences. 


Section 48205 of the California Education Code lists eight valid reasons for students to miss school. 


EXCUSED ABSENCES are as follows:

  • Personal illness

  • Quarantine under the direction of a county or city health officer.

  • Doctor appointment such as medical, dental, optometric, or chiropractic (Doctor note is REQUIRED)

  • Family Funeral (1-day in California/3-days outside of California)

  • Special Circumstances (i.e., court appearance)

  • Illness or medical appointment during school hours of a child of whom the pupil is the custodial parent

  • Justifiable personal reasons where advance written request is required by the parent/guardian, and approval of the principal or designee for absences

  • Serving as a member of a precinct board for an election pursuant to section 12302 of the elections code


**Absences for babysitting or vacations are NOT valid excused absences**


Illnesses up to three days may be verified by the parent. Illnesses of longer duration or that are chronic and cause the student to miss school frequently will require a doctor’s note.


If the absence is not verified by telephone, the student is to bring a note, signed by a parent, which includes the date(s) of the absence, the reason for the absence, the student’s name, identification number, and grade. Absences will be considered unexcused if they have not been cleared within three school days. An unverified absence is the same as an unexcused absence.

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