Brookhurst JHS
Brookhurst Junior High School Policy Pages

Brookhurst Junior High School Policy Pages


The following rules apply:

Brookhurst Junior High promotes school pride and college going culture.  Students can wear Brookhurst school polos, Brookhurst club/spirit shirts, or college/university attire. For your convenience, the school sells polo shirts, spirit wear and outerwear. 


  • Students must wear a SOLID  green, black, or grey unaltered polo shirt OR Brookhurst Spirit/Club/Organization shirts. Former Brookhurst polo shirts, including white polos, will be honored.

  • All bottom wear: pants, shorts, and skirts must be SOLID in color. NO print, patterns, stripes, or logos. 

  • All outerwear must be Brookhurst approved apparel.

  • Students may wear an appropriate college-themed shirt any day.

  • Students may wear a Brookhurst spirit shirt any day. 

  • Students may not tie up their shirts by any means. Clothing must cover the midsection.

  • No sagging – pants must fit at the waist and crotch.

  • Shorts and skirts must be SOLID in color and reach below the fingertips in length when arms are by the student’s side. 

  • Shorts must be SOLID in color and no longer than just below the knee.  

  • Athletic/sweat shorts/pants are NOT to be worn during the school day except for PE. 

  • No ripped, torn or frayed clothing of any kind.  

  • No plaid, checkered, camouflage or flannel patterned clothing of any kind. 

  • Pajamas are not permitted. 

  • All shoes must have an enclosed toe and cover going all the way around the heel. Moccasins and slippers are not allowed.


Free Dress Days: Students will be invited to participate in ASB spirit weeks or free dress days.  Patterns, stripes, and appropriate logos are acceptable during this time frame, but the following  dress code policies still apply: 

  • No straps can be exposed at all – Front or Back.

  • No cleavage can be exposed.

  • No ripped, torn, or frayed clothing of any kind. 

In addition, the following items are not permitted on campus or at any school-sponsored event:


Dress, grooming, or accessories which:

  • Are unsafe, dangerous, or a health hazard

  • Display offensive or obscene symbols, signs, slogans, or words, degrading any cultural, religious, or ethnic values.

  • Contain language or symbols oriented toward sex, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, violence, or weapons.

  • Displays or contains gang, tagger, crew, and/or clique symbols, colors, slogans, and/or signs.  

  • Sunglasses may not be worn in class. 

  • Hats, beanies, caps, hoods, and bandanas may not be worn at anytime during the school day.


Dress Code Violations:

  • Dress code violations will be documented.

  • A student with 4-7 dress code violations will receive a referral and 30-minute detention. 

  • A student with 8 or more dress code violations will receive 60-minute detention. 

  • In addition, excessive violations will result in a mandatory student/parent/ administrator conference.



Regular attendance is vital to a student’s success in school. A student who is absent misses direct instruction that cannot be made up even though written work may be completed.


The only excused absences are those resulting from: illness, medical/dental appointments with a doctor’s note, or death in the immediate family. ALL other absences are considered unexcused. Teachers are not required to provide homework, extend deadlines, or allow make-up work for students with unexcused absences.


When a student is absent, parents are required to call the attendance office at 714 999-3612 on the day of the absence before 9:30 AM. 

If the absence is not verified by telephone, the student is to bring a note, signed by a parent, which includes the date(s) of the absence, the reason for the absence, student’s name, and grade. Absences will be considered unexcused if they have not been cleared within 24 hours. Unexcused absences will result in disciplinary actions. 




Students are expected to be on time for school and to each class. Tardiness will be excused only in the event of illness, medical/dental appointments with a doctor’s note. Excused tardies must be verified by the parent in person, or with a note. Oversleeping, missing the bus, etc., are not excused tardies. Students who arrive to school after 7:55 AM must check in at the attendance office to receive their readmittance slip.


Administration will manage all 1st period tardies, after the third infraction a student will be assigned detention.  In addition, excessive violations will result in a mandatory student/parent/ administrator conference. and therefore will receive a referral to conference with the administration. 



At Brookhurst Junior High School, we value academic integrity and honesty; therefore, we enforce a strict academic honesty and cheating policy.


The following rules apply per district school board policy:

  • Cheating by copying from others, providing work for others, allowing others to copy, tampering with teacher materials, having or using notes, formulas, or other information in a programmable calculator or other programmable electronic device is not permitted. Students who violate this rule will receive a failing grade on the assignment, a “U” in citizenship, a referral to administration, and after-school intervention. Second offenses will result in the above discipline and may include suspension and a lowered grade for the course.

  • Plagiarism by copying or using another person’s work and submitting it as your own or acting as a provider of a paper or papers for others is not allowed. Students who violate this rule will receive a failing grade on the assignment, a “U” in citizenship, a referral to administration, and after-school intervention. Second offenses will result in the above discipline and may include suspension and a lowered grade for the course. 



Brookhurst Junior High Staff prides itself on working together collaboratively to support your child in all areas. If you have any concerns and/ or questions about your child's progress, please take into consideration the following suggested options to request support and/or ask questions:


  1. Contact your child's teacher via phone or email to discuss concerns and/or ask questions

  2. Contact your child's teacher or school counselor to schedule a meeting to discuss concerns and/or ask questions. 

  3. Contact school administration.

  4. If your child continues to need additional support in the general education setting, contact your child's school counselor or administrator to fill out a "request for assistance" form. The request for assistance will be sent to and reviewed by our Education Monitoring Team (EMT).


STUDENT PICK UP: To minimize classroom disruptions, parents must contact the attendance office at least one hour ahead of time, before picking up a child during the school day. Any parent that wants to call their child out of class, must pre-plan by communicating with the attendance office. Please call the attendance office 714-999-3612 to pre-plan a student pick up. 


BEHAVIOR EXPECTATIONS: Refer to PBIS Behavior Matrix Sections. 

The following expectations of behavior are designed to provide Brookhurst Junior High School students with a safe, secure, and orderly educational environment. All guidelines apply during the time students are on campus, walking to and from school, and during any extra-curricular activity including, but not limited to: sports, field trips, night performances, and dances.



Students are welcome to ride a bicycle to and from school if the following expectations are followed: 

  • According to the law, all students are expected to wear bicycle helmets to and from school.

  • Bicycles and skateboards must not be ridden on school grounds. 

  • Bicycles and skateboards must be put inside the bicycle racks and locked up individually. Sharing a lock is not permitted. 

  • Skateboards must be locked in the skateboard rack. 


Birthday/Holiday items will not be allowed on campus. Please do not bring flowers, balloons or treats of any kind for students. These items are a distraction on campus and in the classroom. All items will be held in the main office and students can pick up the items after school.



It is the policy of this school that all students be treated with respect and feel safe while attending school. 

  • Any harassment which substantially interferes with a student’s school performance or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive learning environment will not be tolerated. 


  • The harassment of others based upon sexual, religious, racial, or other themes will not be tolerated. Verbal, physical or cyber-bullying, calling others a name that puts them down, using words that insult another person, touching others in an unacceptable manner, and making comments of a sexual nature are considered harassment.


  • In addition, participating in harassment or cyberbullying through the use of technology (cell phone, text messaging, or social media) will not be tolerated, and will result in a referral to an administrator and progressive discipline will be implemented. 


  • If at any time, you feel uncomfortable in dealing with other students or adults on campus, you are responsible to report concerns to a parent, teacher or administrator, who will assist you with your concerns.


Disciplinary Consequences for students who commit BULLYING, CYBER-BULLYING & HARASSMENT Incidents:  

(Steps may be skipped based on severity/repetition of the incident.)

  • Verbal/Written Warning 

  • Counseling Conference 

  • Administrative Conference

  • Lunch/After School Detention 

  • Parent Conference

  • PBIS/RtI Intervention Conference

  • EMT Meeting 

  • Behavior Monitoring Sheet 

  • Suspension

  • Referral to Police  

  • Administrative Transfer/Expulsion                             



The school is our shared environment. Our school’s reputation in the neighborhood and with visitors is largely determined by our campus appearance. All students are expected to help keep the campus clean. While eating lunch, students must stay within the lunch areas and deposit all trash in the proper place. 


Brookhurst Junior High School is a closed campus, and students may not leave the campus, even if the school day has not started. Students may leave campus if they are signed out by a parent or an adult designated by a parent or legal guardian. ALL visitors must be cleared by the main office to be on school grounds during school hours.



When attending a Brookhurst Junior High School dance, a permission slip is required along with student ID. The student will agree to act in accordance with the rules and regulations of the school. If the rules and regulations are broken during the dance, the student will be asked to leave without a refund and proper discipline will be assigned by the administration.


A dance pass can be purchased the week of the dance. Students who misplace their ID cards need to purchase one in the main office for $5.00 or see an administrator.  To make the dance appropriate for school and comfortable for everyone, the following dance rules and regulations will be in effect:

  • Brookhurst students may not invite outside guests to the dance.

  • ID cards are needed to enter the dance.

  • No moshing, slam dancing, or “freak” dancing, or battle dancing will be permitted. 

  • No body contact at all.

  • No kissing, holding hands or hugging.

  • No fighting or arguing.

  • Uniform policy will be enforced.

  • No throwing or breaking items during the dance.

  • Backpacks cannot be picked up until the student leaves.

  • If a student wants to leave the dance early, then they must have a note from their parent. The note needs to be submitted to an administrator.

Parents should pick up their children immediately afterward. The main office phones will not be available.


In keeping with the policies of the Anaheim Union High School District as set forth by the Board of Trustees, Brookhurst Junior High School will enforce the rules and laws regarding drugs, alcohol, and tobacco. E-cigarettes and vape sticks are also prohibited.


Substances include: Alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, amphetamines, prescription medication, over-the-counter medication (Advil, Tylenol, cold medicine, etc.) other controlled substances and drug paraphernalia.


The following rules apply:

  • Bringing illegal substances to school or holding them for someone may result in a 5 day suspension, transfer to another school, and arrest.

  • Giving or selling illegal substances, in any amount, to someone else may result in expulsion from the school, district, and arrest.

  • Being under the influence of an illegal substance while at school or a school sponsored event may result in a 5 day suspension, transfer to another school, and arrest.


Students who are under a doctor’s care and require prescription medication throughout the day must give all medicine, as well as a physician’s note, to the school Health Technician. The school Health Technician will secure and dispense all medication only with proper documentation from a physician.



Cell phones, iPods, cameras, earbuds, and other electronic devices must be turned off and out of sight during school hours, unless directed by a teacher or an administrator. These items are disruptive and are among the most lost, stolen and broken items belonging to students. The school assumes no responsibility for the safety or security of these items. Brookhurst personnel will NOT investigate the theft of these items. The Anaheim Union High School District will NOT reimburse for any lost or stolen electronic devices. Electronic devices are restricted by the Education Code set forth by the State Department of Education.

If a student uses an electronic device while on campus, the following rules will apply:

  • The electronic device will be confiscated from the student and brought to the main office.

  • The electronic device will be returned only to the parent/guardian of the student.




It is the student’s responsibility to remember their books, lunch, PE clothes and assignments and not to ask parents to bring missing supplies to school. In an emergency, parents may leave items in the main office for students to pick up during a passing period or at lunch. No deliveries will be made to students during instructional time. 



In the event of an elective field trip (i.e. not listed specifically in the standards and/or an assignment for which the student will receive a grade), the faculty will be given the opportunity to block a student from 

attending a field trip either if said student’s current grade is below average (D, F) or if citizenship is unacceptable.


P.E./Intramural Sports: the P.E. department will also follow the district’s policy that a student must hold a 2.0 GPA in order to participate in intramural sports and travel with the teams. This is based upon the previous quarter/semester grade. A list will be sent around to the teachers including students who will be attending games during the school day. If a 

student will not be attending the game due to grades, (D, F), they will be notified by the teacher or the coach.



Do not bring permanent markers of any kind to school. Students may not have graffiti writing in or on their folders, backpacks, clothing and/or body. Graffiti that is confiscated will be turned in to the Anaheim Police Department and is subject to fines and suspensions.



Gum is not allowed on school grounds as it negatively impacts campus cleanliness. Progressive discipline actions will be taken for repeat offenders, including scraping gum off desks. 



It is the policy of this school that all students be treated with respect and feel comfortable attending school. 


  • Any harassment which substantially interferes with a student’s school performance or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive learning environment will not be tolerated. 


  • The harassment of others based upon sexual, religious, racial, or other themes will not be tolerated. Verbal, physical or cyber-bullying, calling others a name that puts them down, using words that insult another person, touching others in an unacceptable manner, and making comments of a sexual nature are considered harassment.

  • In addition, participating in harassment or cyber-bullying through the use of technology (telephone, text messaging, online text, or social networking sites) will not be tolerated, and will result in a referral to an administrator and progressive discipline will be implemented. 


  • If at any time, you feel uncomfortable in dealing with other students or adults on campus, you are responsible to report concerns to a parent, teacher, or administrator, who will assist you with your concerns.



Students are given the opportunity to make up school work missed because of excused absences. Full credit is given if the work is returned promptly to the teacher. Parents may make a request for homework on the student’s fifth day of absence by calling the attendance office before 9:30 AM (714 999-3612) or sending a request via email to the teacher. If a student is absent for fewer than three days, the student should keep up with assignments by calling an “Assignment Buddy” or checking the Aeries website page. It is the responsibility of the student to get make-up work from the teachers upon returning to school.



Students MUST carry their student identification cards with them at all times.


Student Identification Cards will be provided to every student during registration. Students who do not receive their ID card during registration will be responsible for getting their ID card as soon as possible. 


A student ID card authorizes a student to be on campus and every student must have their student ID card in their possession at all times while on campus. Students will not be permitted into detention and dances without their school ID card. Students using a lunch account must also use their ID card. A replacement ID card is available at a cost of $5.00 to the student.  


Students are expected to carry their ID card daily. Two or more violations will result in additional consequences according to progressive discipline policies. 



If any injury or illness occurs after a student arrives at school, he/she is to report to the teacher and then to the health office.  Please update new work phone,  and cell numbers. In an emergency, we cannot contact parents without correct phone numbers on emergency cards.



Students are encouraged to participate in extracurricular activities. A 2.0 GPA is required for all star teams.

Quarter 1: Girls Volleyball, Boys Tennis, and Flag Football. 

Quarter 2: Boys Basketball, Girls Tennis and Girls Soccer

Quarter 3: Boys & Girls Cross Country, Boys Soccer and Girls Basketball

Quarter 4: Boys & Girls Track, Boys Volleyball and Girls Softball



Students must have a current Brookhurst ID card to check-out books from the library or use a computer.  Students may check out a maximum of two library books for a two-week period.  After two weeks, they have the option of renewing or returning books.  A late fee of $.10 per day, per item, will be charged for books returned after the two-week period.  Students are encouraged to take care of books and technology materials and return them in a timely manner. Any lost books have to be replaced.  


Library Hours:

Monday-Friday 7:30 AM to 3:30 PM



All Spartan students are expected to:

  • Know the classroom and school rules/expectations and adhere to them at all times.

  • Be at school and in their seat by the tardy bell.

  • Follow the directions of school personnel at all times.

  • Never hinder the teacher from teaching or students from learning.

  • Respect people and property.

  • Refrain from using profanity at all times.

  • NEVER chew gum on school grounds.

  • Keep the campus clean at all times.

  • Get a pass to be outside of class during class time.

  • Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself; horseplay, pushing, touching, shoving, and throwing items is dangerous and not allowed

  • Refrain from tackle games or “play fighting.”

  • Never write on body parts. 


  • Refrain from bringing permanent markers and/or graffiti paraphernalia to school.

  • Refrain from bringing hair spray, body spray, perfume, cologne and/or any kind of flammable items on campus. 



  • Spending time with other students during lunch is a privilege. If lunchtime expectations are not followed, this privilege may be taken away.

  • Stay in designated areas (defined by administrators) during lunch. 

  • All food is to be eaten within the lunch areas. 

  • All trash and unwanted food/beverages are to be placed in trash containers and not thrown at any time.

  • Recyclables should be placed in recycling containers.

  • If you want to visit a teacher during lunch, you must have a pass from that teacher



In keeping with the goal of maintaining an academically focused school in which every student has an opportunity to learn, Brookhurst Junior High School has developed a Progressive Discipline Policy which is consistent with the Anaheim Union High School District’s Policy of Progressive Discipline.


Our goal is to put in place consequences that successfully modify negative behavior patterns. Therefore, the following consequences are in place for rule and expectation violations:

  • Restorative dialogues

  • Conflict Mediation

  • Community Service

  • Verbal/Written Warnings

  • Administrative Conferences 

  • Parent Contact/Conferences 

  • Referral to Administration 

  • Administrative Behavior Monitoring Sheet

  • Lunch Detention

  • After School Intervention (2:30-3:30) Tues-Thurs

  • Teacher Period Suspension 

  • AUHSD Discipline Contract

  • Off-Campus Suspension

  • Transfer/Expulsion


After School Detention

  • Students must come prepared and bring homework and materials, pen or pencil and work quietly on homework the entire time. Students will need to read if they do not have homework.

  • Students will NOT be admitted if they are late.

  • If a student is sent out from detention, they will be referred to administration, and further consequences will apply. 


Off-Campus Suspension

  • Students are not allowed on campus or at school-sponsored events.

  • Parents are to request homework through the attendance office for 3-5 day suspensions. 


Students who have been administratively transferred to another school site are not allowed on campus unless accompanied by his/her parent/guardian. Failure to comply will lead to a trespassing notification. 



Students will be assigned a locker for physical education. Clothes and valuables are to be secured in this locker during the P.E. class. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure all personal items and valuables are safely locked and NOT LEFT IN THEIR BACKPACKS DURING THE PE PERIOD unattended. The school is not responsible for lost/stolen items. Sharing lockers and locks is not permitted. Replacement locks can be purchased in the office. 


Each year a large number of items are turned into the office. If they are marked with a student’s name, we return them. If there is no identification, they are placed into a lost and found container. Students or family members may come to the office to ask for lost items. At the end of each quarter, unclaimed items are donated to a charitable organization.



Medication should be taken at home with parent supervision whenever possible. Prescriptive and non-prescriptive medication may be taken at school only under the supervision of school personnel. Parents must deliver medication to the health office in the original container. 

Under California Law, a medication form which includes dosage instructions must be completed by the parent and the physician before medication can be administered at school. These forms are available in the health office.



Several parent organizations and committees, such as PTA, Coffee with the Principal, EL Advisory Committee, School Site Council and Band Boosters provide valuable volunteer time, financial support and advice for the overall improvement of our school site. School effectiveness is positively impacted by frequent parent participation. Meetings are publicized regularly on our school website and the auto dialer system.


Class visitation is a courtesy extended to parents upon request. Such visits are approved by the Assistant Principal at least a day in advance. This will assist in providing minimal interruption to the instructional program. To ensure the safety of our students, all visitors are required to check-in through the main office before proceeding to a classroom. 


Teachers communicate with parents about student progress in a variety of ways. These include telephone calls, notes, emails and progress reports. In addition, parents are encouraged to inform school personnel about significant changes in the home environment that may affect the student’s school performance. 



You are discouraged from bringing to school any personal property which is not directly related to your instructional program. Further, you should not bring personal items such as watches, jewelry, or clothing which are fragile, expensive or possible obstructions to the instructional program. The school will not be responsible for any student’s personal property which is lost, stolen, or damaged.



The selling of candy, food, and/or any kind of item or property by any student or group not authorized by administration is not permitted on school grounds, or at any school-sponsored event.



We provide all students with an agenda planner on the first day of school. The student agenda planner must be brought to school each day to organize and keep track of daily assignments. If lost or damaged, the cost to replace the student agenda planner is $5.00. Please purchase a replacement agenda planner in the main office. 



If you need to contact your student during school hours, you may leave a message with the office at 714.999.3613. 


  • If you need to pick up your student or contact them for any reason during the school day, it is mandatory to call ahead of time to allow enough time for student pick up. Students will only be called out of class during the first 5 minutes in order to maximize classroom instruction and minimize classroom interruptions. If a request is not made in advance, parents/guardians will be asked to wait until the end of the period to contact/communicate with their student. 

  • Students must be picked up from school/leave no later than 2:45 PM unless they are participating in a school-sponsored activity. 

  • Please make arrangements regarding when and where pick-up after school will take place. 

  • Be sure to let your parents know if you are staying after school for any reason. It is the student’s responsibility to contact their guardian/parent. 

  • Students attending after-school events (e.g. Homework Club, Math Lab, After-School Intervention, and Anaheim Achieves) must report by 2:30pm.


If you are picking up and/or dropping off your students please be sure to follow these directions:

There are 2 lanes in the parking lot…the lane on the right next to the curb is for dropping off/ picking up students.  The left lane is a pass-through lane.  Students should never be dropped off or picked up in traffic lanes on major streets. Students should always use crosswalks whether they are walking to or from school.



  • All forms of transit (bikes, skateboards, Razor scooters, etc.) may not be on campus. Administrators and teachers will confiscate them and hold them in the office. If items are confiscated, a parent must pick up the item. 



According to the Education Code of the State of California, any pupil who is absent from school without a valid excuse, or tardy in excess of 30 minutes on each of more than three days in one school year, is truant and shall be reported to the administration. Students who are truant are assigned after school intervention. The following are considered truancies:

  • Being absent from school without the knowledge and consent of the parent.

  • Being absent from school without a valid excuse.

  • Leaving the school grounds during the day without permission.

  • Staying out of class without permission. 



It is our intent to make Brookhurst Junior High School a safe place for everyone. Our policies are those of the Anaheim Union High School District as set forth by the Board of Trustees. We will enforce the rules and laws regarding weapons and dangerous items at school.


Chemicals include items that are flammable or potentially allergenic such as: nail polish, nail polish remover, body spray, perfume, cologne, hairspray, etc.

Weapons include: Real or fake knives of any shape or size, real or fake guns, and any other dangerous objects (lasers, poppers, fireworks, stink bombs, etc.).


The following rules apply:

  • Bringing or possessing weapons (real or “look-alike”) or dangerous objects at school may result in a 5 day suspension, transfer to another school, arrest and/or possible expulsion from the district.


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